Saturday, September 27, 2008

I.... LOVE.... YOU....

I have been teaching Sebastian to say I LOVE YOU and yesterday he finally said it :)! Dave rang home from work last evening and I passed the phone to Sebastian and told him to say I LOVE YOU. He must have said it 5 or 6 times ;p. Sure Dave was very happy!

Friday, September 12, 2008

1, 2, 3....... 10

On Wednesday while I was trying to get Sebastian to nap, I lied on the floor to rest my eyes. As usual, he was talking to himself. Then I heard him counting 1 to 10! Such a clever boy! This was the first time that he had counted the numbers (1 to 10) though didn't sound very accurate ;p.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Poo poo.....

Today is the second time Sebastian had told me he wanted to poo (first time was on Wednesday) and he managed to sit on the toilet for a while. As the poo was a bit hard, I helped him.... Eventually he managed to poo like a big boy! Yeah! Really proud of him :).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Toilet training

After 2 months of toilet training, Sebastian finally did it at the care centre on Monday! At home, he refused to sit on the toilet for more than 10 seconds! But he finally did it this evening TWICE!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!

He told me wee wee after dinner and I brought him to the toilet and he did it! And just before putting him to bed, I told him to go wee wee and brush teeth, he did it again! Really proud of him :D.

Friday, July 11, 2008

First museum visit

Last Saturday, we brought Sebastian to the museum for the very first time. It was the second last day of the Mozart: A Child Prodigy exhibition. Was really glad as Sebastian had a great time there. We must have stayed at least 2.5 hours.

Monday, June 23, 2008

First movie

We brought Sebastian to watch Kung Fu Panda - his first movie - at the cinema yesterday and he absoblutely loved it! He was very well behaved through out the whole movie :). He also had his first taste of pop corns and couldn't get enough! hahah.... After the movie, he kept saying "Po" and "Shifu"...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stomach flu ;(

Sebastian has been throwing out since yesterday morning after breakfast. I was hopping that he would be better by this morning. But in less than 5 mins he woke up, he threw out! He managed to eat some breakfast but did a merlion while we were on the way to the doctor. So I rushed him home to clean up before taking him to the doctor again. We must have waited an hour before our turn. He was so tired that he fell asleep!

So he's suffering with stomach flu! Wonder where he got it? Because of this he's off classes this week...